BY THE WATER… A home that’s designed in harmony with nature, brings a sense of stillness, whatever the season. When you need to recharge by the Lake… this property is it! It’s a very special retreat that families have loved for years with 5 bedrooms (2 are loft bedrooms), 3 ½ baths, 4 car garages, man cave, wood throughout that creates warmth and coziness, a huge deck that connects the home to nature and provides plenty of spaces throughout the property to sit and relax. The best thing about this house is the view and the sense of escape.
17032 255th Avenue (MLS # 250320) is a property located in Spirit Lake, IA. MLS# 250320 is a Residential 1.5 STORY which has 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, is 3283 sqft and listed with a price $1,299,000 on 17032 255th Avenue is situated in the East Lake Okoboji area of the Iowa Great Lakes located in Northwest IA. Find detailed information about 17032 255th Avenue, Spirit Lake, IA 51360 including interior & exterior features, photos, as well as community and market stats for Spirit Lake, IA. Contact RE/MAX Lakes Realty at to receive personalized Spirit Lake, IA real estate service. He will provide you information and key facts based on years of knowledge and experience, about 17032 255th Avenue, Spirit Lake, IA 51360. RE/MAX Lakes Realty will also provide you with a comparative market analysis (CMA) for similar homes for Sale in Spirit Lake, IA. Explore 0 more homes for Sale in Spirit Lake as well as 0 more properties for Sale in 51360 using MLS Search of off lake homes for East Lake, West Lake, and Big Spirit Lake..